Sarnia Woburn Deer
Woburn Sire  Pendragon
Woburn Sire Pendragon
Bomphur Falkirk @5 Draco @ 4 Torrington
Bomphur Falkirk @5 Draco @ 4 Torrington
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Welcome to Sarnia Deer & Sarnia Woburn. We are a boutique red deer operation offering the market a unique selection of Pure Woburn and English bloodlines.

Bob Atkinson
Sarnia Woburn Deer
156 Redoubt Rd
Ph: 078279446

Cambridge, New Zealand
Click here for our Sales page


Sarnia Deer is based on a longterm passion of breeding and developing English bloodines of red deer. Located in the central Waikato, Sarnia has developed a 400 acre property outside Cambridge. Here we have collected what we consider to be some of the best deer from around the country. These bloodines are blended from the major parks in England to develop animals with strong antler characteristics for BOTH velvet and trophy. It is our belief that by breeding with deer that have a heredity of 500+ SCI and a minimum antler beam cicumference of 18cm and length of 45+cm at velveting time by 4yrs old, we have developed an animal that produces good velvet income through its life and still produces a fine trophy. We offer pure park bloodines as well as composite English breeds in the form of semen, embryo and limited private treaty sales. For livesale please see out sales listing.
Species Breeds Breeding For Selling Sale Types Agents
Red Deer
3 Yr Stags
R1 and 1 Year Hind
Annual Public Hind Sale
Annual Public Stag Sale

Certified for Export DNA Identification
No All Sarnia Deer's herd have DNA profiles.

Postal Address Contacts
P O Box 855 Cambridge 3450 Bob Atkinson - 021 117 1639

Conditions of Sale Insurance Guarantees
DNA profiled and Johnes tested