PPHh15 Lot 11 R1410
Sire Sir Tristram
Sire Sir Tristram
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Sir Tristram Mars Lancelot
94/133 SBP Ramasses
BU1009 PHH Sir Lamorek James
G0451 PHH Sir Gallahad
Y01/363 SB

7/8 WARNHAM HIND BORN 2014 Weight: 60 kg as at 28/05/15 Breeding history: We know how good Sir Tristram's genes are as his accident at 2 years of age(lost his complete tongue) has inhibited his own performance. Cross this gem of the Stanfield herd with Sir Lamorek of the Windermere Warnham bloodlines and it has to be good!


AgeLive WeightVelvetHard AntlerInchesCICDBV
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Breeding For Selling
R1 and 1 Year Hind
Weaner Hinds